Davido Talks About His "Penned Deal With Sony"

Singer, Davido, is still netting the millions and glamour accompained by his Sony music deal which he signed some months back.
The singer is still talking about the deal which he can’t just go off his mind, he recently revealed that his family members actually persuaded him to taking the deal as he was skeptical about it.
Davido Signing His Sony Deal.

He disclosed that for two weeks, he refused to talk to his manager because he wanted some time off to think about the deal to know if it was the right thing to do.
“Everyone said I could do this, but my own thinking with regard to Sony was that ‘why would I sign to a label when I had already worked so well in Africa to build a brand?”
“I was skeptical about the deal but my dad, sisters and other members of the family pressured me into looking at the deal. I didn’t even talk to Kamal (his manager) for 2 weeks because I wanted to be sure it was the right thing to do. I told them I just wanted to drop my album because it was ready. Afterwards, they (Sony) told me they were not interested in Africa. They said I can have that (Africa) and do whatever I want with it. About eight months ago, I then said since I still had my Africa I had no problem signing the deal,” he stated.

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